Green Infrastructure can support economic development by:
- providing attractive settings
- increasing environmental quality
- retaining people in the city region
- enhancing the region’s ability to successfully compete for investment on a world stage.
The River Mersey is our prime environmental and economic asset
Key environmental assets help drive the Visitor Economy, specifically the Sefton Coast, the Wirral Coast, urban parks, Mersey Waterfront and World Heritage Site.
Cities that take a more holistic, long term view of investment, in thinking about people first, will emerge as the most competitive in the globalised age and ascent of new economies, while at the same time leaving a legacy that is more sustainable. To compete on a global stage then a new landscape urbanism needs a chance.
8,000 people currently work in green infrastructure sector in the LCR
Businesses and people want to be in areas with high quality environments
- Well-planned improvements to public spaces in town centres can boost commercial trading by up to 40%
- High-quality green spaces increase residential property values by 5–7%
95% of real estate developers and consultants across Europe believe open space adds value to commercial property and would be willing to pay at least 3% more to be near open space.
Green infrastructure is a good value investment generating £8 for every £1 invested
The natural environment provides £750 million of GVA in the Liverpool City Region…mainly through provision of essential services to support economic growth and society as a whole.