The Wirral Waters scheme boasts:
- 420,000 sq m of office and R&D space
- 13,500 residential units
- 60,000 sq m ancillary retail space
- 38,000 sq m hotel and conference facilities
- 100,000 sq m of cultural, education, leisure, community and amenity space
- 20,000+ new jobs.
The Mersey Forest’s Green Streets are integral to the Wirral Waters scheme. Alongside the infrastructure of roads and utilities that accompanies new development will be a network of green infrastructure, turning the bleak landscape into one that is welcoming and colourful.
A network of tree-lined ‘green streets’ is just as important as the engineered infrastructure of roads and services, creating the conditions for economic growth. And The Mersey Forest is planting relatively mature trees to ensure immediate impact.
There are also links to existing investment in green spaces, including the recently restored Birkenhead Park, as well as several smaller local parks and open spaces and Foresty Commission owned Bidston Moss, a potential key recreational gateway to the area.
The overall programme, including complementary funding, includes street trees, the design of new green spaces, temporary uses of derelict sites and improved access to Bidston Moss costed at £2m.
Using the Green Infrastructure Valuation Toolkit, it is estimated that economic benefits worth £30m NPV, can be achieved through this investment, through a mix of carbon reduction, rising land values, attracting visitors and creating jobs, and improving local health and wellbeing.